Libby Sundgren

Libby Sundgren

Libby Sundgren


Meet Libby Sundgren, content development manager for WORKP2P and the BEATS WORKING team. As the resident grammar gal and punctuation princess, Libby helps keep the content train on the right track. Her professional track record includes 16 years of experience in media, events of all sizes (25-2,000 people), marketing and business development, nonprofit partnerships, and community development. An avid nonprofit cheerleader, she feels lucky to have married that with her work throughout her career.

What does she do when she’s not redeeming work with her stellar team? Traveling, eating, and keeping young humans alive (and thriving) rank high on the list. She lives in NE Seattle with her husband and two young sons.

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From A Different Angle

What was your first job?

VERY first job? Raking leaves with my neighborhood pals (though I must say, I don’t know that we were very good…). First job with a W-2? Working at my cousin’s farmstand (plug here for Bellinger Farms + Hermiston watermelons – they are the BEST!).

What is your superpower?

My superpower is organization + attention to detail (and taking care of others).

Favorite podcast and why?

I love The Daily by The New York Times – concise and thorough coverage of stories that I want to know more about, but don’t have time to read while I’m on the go.

Best advice you've ever gotten.

BE KIND. Find the humor + the joy.

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