The Work of Addiction Recovery with Killian Noe and David Coffey

On the show this week: when helping others recover from addiction is your work and how that passion turned into a franchise.

Listeners from the Seattle area may be familiar with Recovery Café, an amazing non-profit that helps people facing homelessness, addiction, and mental health challenges. 

Our guests are Killian Noe, co-founder of Recovery Café, and David Coffey, the organization’s Executive Director. 

Their mission is to provide a place of radical hospitality to create a connection to resources and an authentic healing community for those who are struggling. An amazing thing happened as the years went by. People in other cities and states called and said, “We want a Recovery Café in our town.” 

So, the Recovery Café team put together a social licensing plan to help share the model, and the Recovery Café Network was born, an endeavor of shared ideas, training, and collective impact. Today, there are more than 60 Recovery Café locations across North America, all because a dedicated group of people decided to make healing communities their life’s work.

If that isn’t redeeming work, we don’t know what is. 

Resources from the episode: 

  1. Learn more about Recovery Café and the work they do ⁠here⁠
  2. Connect with ⁠Killian Noe⁠ and ⁠David Coffey⁠ on LinkedIn. 
  3. Recovery Café is also on LinkedIn! Connect with them ⁠here⁠
  4. Watch Killian’s 2021 TEDxSeattle talk ⁠here⁠

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Transcript – Coming Soon!

The following transcript is not certified. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. The information contained within this document is for general information purposes only.

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